Image: Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

For online teaching, it is critical to ensure all students can access the video. However, YouTube is blocked in some regions. Therefore, we will make sure to repost the video on the course site that all learners have access to. We will be using videos from a Youtuber called Jacob Clifford from the Channel ACDC Econ. Mr. Clifford builds up a connection between the instructor and students in the videos. For instance, in the Shifting Demand and Supply video, Mr. Clifford interacts with learners by introducing questions. He asks learners to pause the video and work on the practice questions. The results are reviewed after resuming the video. When working on the questions, learners are recommended to draw a graph and look up the notes. Responding to the questions is a great way to apply and reinforce knowledge. This interactive video meets the description that “interaction occurs when these objects and events mutually influence one another.” Also, at the beginning of the video, there is a catalog box that can take learners to each part of the video. Also, in the video description section, there are hyperlinks that learners can click on and direct to supplemental videos related to this topic. This feature helps to save time when reviewing the contents. Learners can skip the part that they have already familiar with. However, for the first time watching the video, we ask our learner to view in sequence. 

We want to make sure learners understand the concepts; therefore, we will be using for interactive video is Macmillan Learning. The feature of this platform is there will be quick quizzes after each part of the video. There will be hints that help learners move forward. The learning task goes on when the questions are correctly solved, or the maximum attempts have been reached. Feedback will be given right after the learning task. Learners can go through the question and find out the solutions. They are also encouraged to discuss the ambiguous questions to instructors. Both instructors and learners can see their progress of completion. To address peer contact in the learning process, we will ask the learners to design multiple-choice questions based on a given scenario. Learners will be guided to exchange their questions and discuss the solution. Since the instructor has to go through all questions that learners created and check if they are feasible, these activities might be challenging in a large scale class.


(Answering Prompt from #1to #5)